Friday, November 18, 2011

Youthwork Conference 2011 Retreat

Well, just over an hour since we left the retreat, I am still left wondering quite what I learned from it all. Then again, I have a shocking memory so it may take some time to process it all.

Looking back at my tweets (the sensible ones) the thing is that taking time to just be is important. Finding the time to let go of the baggage of normal life and spend it with God it not an easy thing for a youth worker, as we often find that we are working twice our allotted hours (if not more!) and when we're not working our minds are still whizzing through everything that has gone on and how we will deal with particular issues that have arisen from it.

Once we have the time set aside we need to remember where we are in our life and also, importantly, that God knows all this already. So no matter what we have gone through, thought, felt or done He understands and still loves us unconditionally. Taking this can be very hard, but when it finally sinks in it is such a release to know that we do not suffer, struggle and strive on our own. Having the time for this thinking is sometimes the only way we have a chance to grasp just how awesome God can be.

And finally, above all else, I have realised the importance of being able to let rip and have fun with friends. The joy I have experienced from 2 meal times with a group of like-minded individuals who are all just having fun in each other's company has been the biggest blessing I could have hoped for.

My advice to everyone who has not made it to the retreat day this year, do come next year if you can. Fellowship and relationship are right at the heart of our Faith and to spend time just doing it because we can, not because we "have to" is a real joy!

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