Saturday, November 19, 2011

Blog - Future of evangelism 1

Session led by Gavin Calver and Ruth Wells:

Gavin - Do we have confidence in the gospel?
  • What is the message?
  • How do we articulate it?
  • Are words enough?
  • Cheap grace?
Do we know what the story of the Bible is?
Are you still excited about what Jesus has done, is doing and will do in your life?
Are words enough? No! Actions are equally important. However it's important that we don't go too far the other way!
Cheap grace is dangerous as it may mean we forget the cost of The Cross.
The message with form you, shape you and cost you. But it is the greatest thing!

Ruth - The next question being asked is "Why should evangelism be a part of our working with young people in the future?"
We need to work out why we work with young people and why evangelism is important.
Objections to evangelism:

  • It's unnecessary (good youth work already happens)
  • It's unethical (we manipulate our relationships with young people)
  • It's ineffective (the church is still in decline in this country)
People now giving their responses to these objections. Best answer so far is that it would be unethical NOT to evangelise!
    Why ask these questions?
    • The future means meeting Jesus!
    • The future involved co-operation.
    • The future requires investment.
    • The future will always be demanding.
    • The future is ever changing.
    Fruit bowl example given about working with other organisations. Everyone still has their own fruity flavour, but it's far better to be in the bowl rather than not!
    We need to have a core understanding to return to at the end of the day. If we are not sure then what are we doing it for?

    Why should our work with young people include evangelism?
    (quotes from the floor:
    "It's our mandate"
    "We do it because we love these young people"
    "God doesn't have grandchildren"
    "One day we will die and where we spend eternity matters"
    "Young people's lives are hard enough...that they need that relationship")

    • There has been a calling (Incarnation)
    • There is life (Life before death)
    • There will be a future (Hope)
    We are called to do it, God wants us to have life in Him and we believe that we have a hope for the future when heaven and earth will be renewed.

    Gavin - No better time for the Church to share it's mandate with the world. The fear used to be that persecution was coming and the worry was what we would lose.
    The Gospel is as relevant today as it was yesterday and will be tomorrow.
    Gavin leads us in an impromptu prayer for the evangelising of the world over the next 10 years. Quite a challenging idea, and one that we don't see enough of in Church on a regular basis.

    A Biblical example:

    1. Must be compassionate
    2. Have a ministry that crosses cultures
    3. Believe in the demonstration of the Spirit's power
    4. Must be involved in personal evangelism
    5. See the importance of church-planting
    6. Are committed to mentoring
    7. Are called to obedience
    Gavin focusses particularly on Philip's ministry with those points.

    Ruth - Keeping the gospel central to you

    The gospel is not a "one hit wonder". How is it continuing to impact you and your walk with God?

    • In the every day
    • In the one-off
    • Alone
    • With others
    We need to know the story to be able to share it!

    New roles of a new evangelist

    • Creator (creating opportunities to explore the gospel)
    • Translator (making connections)
    • Curator (re-framing experience in the light of the gospel)
    Can we help young people connect better with the Gospel through these roles?

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